Educational programs of preschool and first-school age

Educational programs of preschool and first-school age


The nature of children of preschool age is the core of the museo-educational program.

Children of preschool age have developed imagination, to the point that often they cannot distinguish fictional from reality. At the same time, their actions have a mission, while they take up responsibilities. However, it is necessary to guide their initiatives, but not to forbid.

The museum educator should guide children all the time, encouraging them to take initiatives and not forbidding, checking always the programmed flow of the program. Basic parameters that the educator should consider when designing and performing an educational program are:

-  body for children consists an important medium for expression and a language type, rich in capacities

- for understanding of meanings experience should come first: anything that can be experienced in kinetic form, integrates also in mental level

- imitating acts and movements that come into a level of perfection, are expressed through symbolic game

- children understand the world though experimental conditions. To learn children to see, first we have to create bonds between item and children themselves, first children

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